Vancouver Rat Club Links

We are a community of volunteers, enthusiasts, and passionate rat advocates. VRC is dedicated to facilitating a space of appreciation, education, and camaraderie for people who have been positively impacted by these animals. Find more ways you can help BC’s rats and the people who love them by exploring the links & resources below!

⚠️ We are not a rescue/shelter ⚠️

We occasionally volunteer at, donate to, or otherwise help shelters/rescues when resources are required but we do not currently have any rats available for adoption, nor are we equipped to take in any surrenders. Please visit our Rescues/Shelters pages for adoption/surrender options or join our Facebook Group to browse potential private rehomes.

Please note that the Facebook Group only acts as a resource for those rehoming/adopting to connect.

We are not affiliated with any individuals unless specifically mentioned.